Melbourne Museum of Printing | Research Programs |
This Museum has the only comprehensive collection of print-related artefacts and documents in the world. There are hundreds of thousands of artefacts and documents relating to the work of dozens of now-closed printing firms and the clients they served over the past several decades.
The archival material in the collection includes typesettings, engravings, artwork, negatives and printing plates. These relate to jobs printed by many printers for thousands of customers over the years from mid 20th century. In addition, there are documents relating to printed jobs and to the business of printing.
These may be accessed by academics and post-graduate students with an idea to develop and the intention of publishing their findings. Students will require an introduction from their department.
Those wishing to access these items should bear in mind that much of the material is packed away without adequate description, so finding it will require dedication. Some assistance will be given by Museum volunteers.
If you think this may interest you in the future, say so now! If enough people say it's of value for research it may be saved. We have to convince potential sponsors to fund the storage costs before the landlords lose patience and destroy the collection.
You may like to view a small selection of these archival items in our on-line picture galleries.
Other reseach possibilities may exist in the machinery, the typefaces, the typecasting matrices, the office equipment, the early computers and our Library of Books as Artefacts, where the interest is not "who wrote it?" but "who printed it, and how?"
Please call our Director to discuss research opportunities or to have your say.
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